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Tips for Buying a Mortgage House: Easy Strategies to Overcome Mortgage Advances

With the mortgage system (Home Ownership Credit), buying a house is easier. Mortgage is a loan facility from the Bank to individuals to buy a house. Mortgage schemes can realize the desire to buy a house at any price. Of course, you have to adjust to the needs and financial capabilities of each.

Buying a house with a mortgage needs preparation in the form of DP or down payment. DP or mortgage advance is actually dependent on the applicable government rules, as well as agreements between customers and developers.

But generally developers set a down payment in a certain range for consumers. That way, the down payment for the purchase of the house can be 10%, 20%, or any other percentage.

So you can opt for a DP or down payment to buy a low or high mortgage house. However, although the mortgage down payment is now lower, sometimes there are difficulties in being able to collect funds in that amount.

For that, here are some strategies that you can try:


1.  Installments DP

There are a number of property developers who give flexibility to customers to pay a down payment by installment within a certain period of time, for example 6 months or 1 year.

You can find a developer who is willing to do this. According to the 5% down payment rule, you can try to pay the amount of the DP.

For example, for example, if you buy a house at a price of Rp200 million, if the amount of DP is 5%, then the amount is Rp 10,000,000.

Well, you can try to communicate with the developer about the period of repayment of the DP.

During the process of repaying the down payment, you can not get in touch with the bank. Only after the down payment is paid, you can apply for mortgage credit to the bank.


2. Borrow

You can try to find a loan to make the DP payment. Maybe to parents, relatives, relatives, or friends. This is a quick solution to be able to get the required down payment.

But if for example you can not get funds from the closest people, you can also try to make a loan to a financial institution. But of course you have to be good at renting and make sure that you can afford to pay off the loan money.


3. Sell Assets

If for example there are assets that can be sold, you can consider selling them. For example, motorcycles, gold, or other valuable objects. That way, you can immediately get the necessary down payment.

Having a home is everyone's wish. It takes a struggle to make it happen. Rest assured that you can provide the down payment.

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